
bucovina institute

Bucovina Institute is an NGO founded in 2011, non-profit, with aims to support the sustainable development of communities in the North East of Romania, South – West of Ukraine and the entire Republic of Moldova through learning partnerships projects and organizing continuing training programs for adults.


  • Developing programs to facilitate intercultural learning, cross-border cooperation and exchange of experience
  • Supporting rural youth and adults, immigrants, minorities and persons with disabilities to ensure access to all forms of learning
  • Regional and community development by conducting training courses, evaluation of competencies sessions organizing certification process, facilitating access without discrimination to all members of the community.


Services provided by the NGO:

  • Organizing thematic training courses and languages classes, offering non formal trainings: languages, communication, human resources management, project management, vocational counseling
  • Providing TOT services for 11 EBC communities (Economy Based on Knowledge) – regional network
  • Writing and implementing projects
  • Organizing thematic workshops, seminars, conferences, campaigns etc
  • Providing research services in, social economy, ethnography, sociology, community development
  • Providing authorised support services for employment for vulnerable youngsters including NEETs within WISE model (Work Integration Social Enterprise)
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