Facilitation for VET
trainers and teachers

Número de projecte: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000034622

Facilitation for VET
trainers and teachers

Número de projecte: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000034622

Sobre el projecte

“FaVET: Facilitation for VET trainers and teachers” és un projecte en l’àmbit de la formació professional, que té com a objectiu ajudar els professors/formadors que han hagut d’adaptar els seus mètodes docents a l’ús de la tecnologia i a les eines digitals, a desenvolupar les 6 competències incloses en el marc de competències del formador/facilitador en l’era digital.

L’esclat de la COVID-19 ha provocat una interrupció important en l’oferta d’oportunitats d’educació/formació/mobilitat per a aprenents, professors i educadors a tota la UE. Totes les institucions s’han hagut d’adaptar per poder impartir formació…

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Gamification: how to enjoy education

Program’s Latest Meeting FAVET – FACILITATION FOR VET TRAINERS AND TEACHERS​ Gamification in education refers ...
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Program’s Latest Meeting

Program’s Latest Meeting FAVET – FACILITATION FOR VET TRAINERS AND TEACHERS​ in Rouen, France On ...
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Project Outcomes

Project Outcomes FAVET – FACILITATION FOR VET TRAINERS AND TEACHERS​ 1. E-Pathway: The Electronic Journey ...
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Unique learning experience in Kouvola, Finland

Unique learning experience FAVET – FACILITATION FOR VET TRAINERS AND TEACHERS​ in Kouvola, Finland Educators ...
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The third Transnational Project Meeting within the Erasmus+ project FAVET – FACILITATION FOR VET TRAINERS ...
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FAVET Project: A Blueprint for KA2 Engagement

A Blueprint for KA2 Engagement FAVET – FACILITATION FOR VET TRAINERS AND TEACHERS​ On February, ...
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FAVET FACILITATION FOR VET TRAINERS AND TEACHERS “FaVET: Facilitation for VET trainers and teachers” is ...
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Segona reunió transnacional

The second Transnational Project Meeting within the Erasmus+ project FAVET – FACILITATION FOR VET TRAINERS ...
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Reunió inicial

Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project FAVET – FACILITATION FOR VET TRAINERS AND TEACHERS (Pr. ...
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