A Blueprint for KA2 Engagement


On February, Mireia Simon, the mobility coordinator of the Instituto Julio Antonio, gave a presentation to the mobility coordinators of the sectors VET and HE about the FAVET project, which serves as a model example for KA2. The organisation is based in the Terres de l’Ebre region and shows great interest in learning how to apply for a KA2 project.

Mireia Simon gave insights on how to find FAVET project partners and introduced DomSpain (FAVET coordinator). The mobility coordinators were very interested to learn more about our document management, how we run our meetings and our project budget. They showed real appreciation for the project topic and expressed their wish to participate in the upcoming presentation meetings.

The mobility coordinators agreed on the importance of being involved in KA2 projects. They recognised the value of these projects as they offer the opportunity to build new partnerships for future mobility initiatives and produce tangible results that can benefit our students.

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