“FaVET: Facilitation for VET trainers and teachers” is an ERASMUS+ project in the field of vocational education and training, which aims at helping teachers/trainers, who need to adapt their teaching methods to the use of technology and digital tools, to develop the 6 competences included in the skills framework for the trainer/facilitator in the digital age.
We are 7 partners from 6 different EU countries participating in this mission, led by DOMSPAIN SLU (Spain). The partnership further consists of the IFPRA Normandie (France), Asociația Institutul pentru Parteneriat Social Bucovina (Romania), Foundation for improvement of employment possibilities PRIZMA (Slovenia), Institut Julio Antonio (Spain), 36,6 Competence Centre (Poland), and Kouvolan Ammattiopisto OY, Eduko (Finland).
We are in the middle of the project that started in January 2022 and the partnership has made great progress in developing E-PATHWAY (result 1). Based on research of competencies mapping for digital trainers/facilitators, we finalised descriptions with learning outcomes for 6 key competencies and created an “E-pathway”. Facilitation for Trainers Curriculum” made up of 60 micro-modules to cover the identified knowledge/skills and competences.
The “Mapping of competencies” and “E-pathway”. Facilitation for Trainers Curriculum” will be available on e-platform, an open online educational resource, starting from February 2023. Individuals will be able to use a self-assessment questionnaire to assess their level of competences on 6 key competences. After completing a self-assessment questionnaire, the participant receives a report with a proposal of online micro-modules on E-pathway FAVET to work through to acquire the missing knowledge and skills for delivery of on-line training/facilitation. Each micro-module is followed by a short quiz to check gained and acquired knowledge within the micro-module. All materials will be available in seven different languages (English, French, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Finnish, and Slovenian). So, any teacher entitled to support learners in a distance learning process will have the possibility to access the and gain new knowledge, skills, and competences for implementation of high quality online training for students.
More information about project:
“Finanțat de Uniunea Europeană. Punctele de vedere și opiniile exprimate aparțin, însă, exclusiv autorului (autorilor) și nu reflectă neapărat punctele de vedere și opiniile Uniunii Europene sau ale Agenției Executive Europene pentru Educație și Cultură (EACEA). Nici Uniunea Europeană și nici EACEA nu pot fi considerate răspunzătoare pentru acestea.”