in Suceava, Romania
During the 29th and the 30th of August 2022, Bucovina Institute Association organised and hosted in Suceava, Romania, the second Transnational Project Meeting within the Erasmus + project “FAVET – Facilitation for VET Trainers and Teachers” (2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000034622), where 10 European delegates from Romania, Spain, Poland, and Slovenia participated in person, with online intervention of the partners from Finland.
The attendees were warmly welcomed by one of Bucovina Institute’s closest collaborators, the subprefect of Suceava County, representing Suceava County’s Institution of the Prefect, a regional authority from Romania.
The president of the NGO and the Erasmus+ coordinator presented Bucovina Institute and its activity, but also the region of beautiful Bukovina, where Suceava is situated.
The agenda was planned for two days, covering issues related to project management and budget, the progress of the activities and the results of the project, quality assessment and dissemination strategy. Moreover, the delegates discussed the next steps, distributing the workload according to each organisation’s expertise. Participants were presented with certificates recognising their involvement in the project and the meeting.
On Tuesday afternoon, the 10 participants enjoyed a cultural visit to the surroundings of Suceava, taking a walk in the city centre, visiting the Suceava Princely Fortress, the Museum of the Bukovina Villages (Muzeul Satului Bucovinean) and the Monastery Sfântul Ioan cel Nou.
See you in Maribor, Slovenia in April 2023!
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